20 NO-FAIL Texas Natives to Plant NOW!
TAKE AWAY THE GUESSWORK of what to plant with my list of 20 NO-FAIL TEXAS NATIVES!
BRING YOUR YARD TO LIFE with these plants proven that attract bees, butterflies and birds to your yard.
Create a BEAUTIFUL GARDEN with minimal effort using TRIED AND TRUE plant combinations for sun and shade.
I have been a Texas transplant for the past 9 years and I have become ADDICTED TO TEXAS NATIVE PLANTS!
I have seen firsthand how the right native plants can BRING YOUR YARD TO LIFE with butterflies, bees, and birds. 🦋🐝🐤
I've TRANSFORMED MY YARD with Texas natives over the last two years and I'm excited to share what I've learned with you.
You can support more insects and wildlife, ONE PLANT AT A TIME. Let's work together to build back habitat in Texas!
"I really liked how Haeley took examples from her yard and went through the process of what she did. It was very helpful for me to imagine my own yard and what I could do with it!"
— Phoebe